Local man Howard Barry had a bad day Monday; he got into a huge argument with his wife, his car blew a tire, he bounced a check, the Sox lost and he developed a wet, hacking cough towards the day's end. But this horrible day was redeemed for Barry by a rare and much-appreciated midget sighting.
"Wow! Look at the little fella!" exclaimed Barry loudly, in his car, as he passed the midget on the sidewalk. "He's got shoes and a belt and everything!"
"He's just like a regular human being but smaller!" he added enthusiastically as he continued to view the midget in his rear view mirror.
This event caused Barry to think philosophically. "Ya know, just when you begin to doubt whether life is worth the living, a midget takes time out of his day to walk to the store or wherever and get some Pringles or something and totally brighten your day."
Barry considered stopping to thank the midget but wasn't sure if they knew English or not.
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